
We are an open point of contact for all women, girls and families in difficult situations.

We offer counseling and information on personal, social, legal, financial, professional and health questions.

Do you have personal problems or problems in your family? A legal question? Are you having difficulties with your relationship, your parents, your children? Are you in a crisis situation or do you just have the feeling that you‘d like someone to talk to?

Topics for a consultation:

Relationship conflicts

Separation | Divorce | Support payments | Custody | Contact rights | Child support

Domestic violence | stalking | sexual violence

Poverty | risk of poverty

New family structures | Generational conflicts

Personal crises | life changes

Feeling overwhelmed

Sexuality | sexual orientation

Anxieties | eating disorders | addiction | co-dependency | suicidal thoughts

Pregnancy | becoming a parent | parenting


Job | problems at work

School | bullying | problems with parents

Extremism | radicalization

We offer consultations with a female translator.

"Eltern-Kind-Pass-Beratung" - we are offering a new service as part of a federal pilot project to support parents expecting a baby.

Are you expecting a baby? Do you have questions about parental leave, finances, or balancing family and work life?
We are happy to advise you, whether alone or as a couple! The counseling sessions are free and confidential.

The following topics can be the subject of a consultation:
The following topics can be the subject of a consultation:
  • building a bond with a child,
  • accompanying their developmental steps,
  • finding non-violent conflict solutions,
  • coping with parenting tasks,
  • recognising excessive demands
  • and the particular challenges of parenting alone.
  • How can we divide family and paid work fairly?
These are all important factors to consider when planning together.
  • What is the best long term financial solution?
  • Parental leave, part time parental leave (Elternkarenz, Elternteilzeit),
  • childcare allowance (Kinderbetreuungsgeld),
  • daddy month, partnership and family time bonus (Papamonat, Partnerschafts- und Familienzeitbonus)
  • and pension splitting (Pensionssplitting).
We offer consultations with a female translator.

Our counseling is specifically for women, confidential and free of charge.

We support you and your children if you have been impacted by physical, psychological or sexual violence.

In addition to counseling, we also offer process support. That means that we can accompany you to the police and a court appointment, as well as provide a lawyer.

We support you with official applications and interactions with government offices.

Please contact us to arrange an appointment:

Women's counseling center Mostviertel

07472 63297


3300 Amstetten

Hauptplatz 21

(Entrance from Apothekergasse)

Opening hours:

Monday 8 am to 12 pm

Wednesday 8 am to 4 pm

Thursday 8 am to 4 pm

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